control: tags -1 + moreinfo

On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 13:13:14 +0500 Alex Volkov <> wrote:

> IDK how it was in 2006 when this stupid decision was made, but nowadays
> `smartd` has all the needed filtering features in itself, in a case someone
> gets "annoyed" by attribute changes. Yeah, sure, it "can send warning mails",
> but by default only in a case of attribute FAILURE, and some Old-age related
> attributes NEVER fail (like Power-On Hours on WD, which counts down to 1 and
> just sits happily there, never getting to "failing" 0). In such cases at least
> seeing them changing (or not) is useful. Overall, it's not the place for a
> *maintainer* to decide (instead of a user) which events of a third-party
> package are annoying and which are not.

Following up on the above  bug from 2020 -- we need more information
here: what is the issue that you would like fixed?
you can already (even in 2020) add or subtract any rules for logcheck
that you like. smartd has a way to alert you to issues, but
that is nothing to do with logcheck.

in the absence of a clearer statement we would need to close this one.

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