
Quoting Guillem Jover (2024-05-14 10:24:09)
> When I proposed suppressing the creation of the symlink I had in mind and had
> locally the first approach, because it's less noisy, and I assume users on
> those kind of systems will have logic somewhere to handle that case anyway.

sure, works for me! Thank you! :)

> But I've been thinking that this still seems wrong from a conceptual PoV, in
> that I think base-files should be unpacked as one of, if not the first
> package as part of the bootstrapping protocol, as it encodes the structure
> and metadata for the base filesystem. I think next would be base-passwd as
> that also defines the metadata for the filesystem.
> For example the symlink to dir and dir to symlink avoidance behavior
> in dpkg would be one reason for this, another is that directory
> metadata does not get updated if the directory exists, so the first
> unpack wins.
> I realize that we have continuously talked about wanting to avoid
> encoding this kind of ordering in external tools, and this information
> should be part of the packages themselves (which I still think is the
> right approach). But I think we still could extend the packaging
> and/or possibly the bootstrap protocol to cover this case.
> One option would be to add dependencies within the bootstrap set on
> both of these packages, but that goes counter to the no-depends on
> essential packages, and would not be safe against other external
> packages that might conflict with metadata definitions in base-files,
> but it would work for the specific dpkg issue, and perhaps that would
> be the better immediate fix. Another could be to mark these two base-*
> packages somehow so that the bootstrap tools know in a generic way
> that they need to unpack them first. I guess a field could be used,
> something like the following comes to mind:
>   base-files
>     Bootstrap: fsys-tree
>   base-passwd
>     Bootstrap: fsys-meta
> (or Bootstrap-Phase or Bootstrap-Order, or …).
> Where I think the order should be:
>   fsys-tree → fsys-meta → rest of essential + dependencies
> This does not solve the other bootstrap problem we've had in the past
> with base-files requiring passwd information from base-passwd before
> that has been unpacked, but I guess that might partially go away once
> we can declare optional paths and template-based initialization
> through fsys metadata so that the base-files maintscript can disappear
> completely. Although an external dpkg will still have a similar problem
> as base-files currently does, and will need to either assume some name
> to id mappings or use the ones from outside the chroot, but meh.
> (But perhaps the solution to that last bit is for base-files to declare
> the user/groups it requires as dpkg sysusers out of previously agreed
> definitions from base-passwd, then that would make it all self-contained.)

Please note that the issue I encountered was *without* base-files installed so
this issue only exists in completely unsupported situations. Thus I think that
the fact that you now added support for it is not an argument for needing
dependencies between essential:yes packages.

Personally I prefer a new field over hard-coding package names but I prefer
even more not needing either of those. You gave the example of base-files
needing information from base-passwd and while this is correct, this dependency
can be avoided by hardcoding the needed information from base-passwd into
base-files at build time. I think helmut has proposed that in the past.


cheers, josch

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