
On 2024-05-19 17:06, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> Package: autopkgtest
> Version: 5.35
> Severity: normal
>> sudo autopkgtest-build-qemu --architecture amd64 sid 
>> /opt/chroots/autopkgtest-qemu.img
> followed by
>> autopkgtest . --test-name=initrd-boot -- qemu 
>> /opt/chroots/autopkgtest-qemu.img
> in a directory that is a checkout of https://salsa.debian.org/wouter/nbd.git
> It installed the test dependencies, and then failed on:
>> autopkgtest [16:55:00]: Setting up user "user" to sudo without password...
>> qemu-system-x86_64: terminating on signal 15 from pid 150414 
>> (/usr/bin/python3)
>> autopkgtest [17:00:02]: ERROR: testbed failure: sent `auxverb_debug_fail', 
>> got `timeout', expected `ok...'
> which I did not expect...

I've also starting seeing this recently in the Debian ROCm Team's CI.

In my case, this happens only with packages that have 2+ tests. When the
testbed is rebooted after the first test concludes, everything works
fine right until the "Setting up user "<user>" to sudo without
password...", and then the timeout occurs.

In our particular case, the tests first started failing on 2024-05-17.
This was still with autopkgtest 5.34, and nothing else changed in our
infra over the past few days.

The test trigger we recorded was "linux-signed-amd64=6.8.9+1" but that
could just be coincidental.


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