Hello Samuel

On Sat, 11 May 2024 21:25:37 +0100 Samuel Henrique <samuel...@debian.org> wrote:> > > Would you be interested in any kind of help for this?
> Thanks, I will let you know this weekend. Probably in testing the
> rebuild of Wireshark with the new version of nghttp3.

Sounds good, just let me know.

I tested the rebuild Wireshark from unstable version 4.2.5-1 with libnghttp3-dev version 1.3.0-1 it worked for amd64. I have to test that for the other release architectures before I can ask for a transition slot. But I can continue work on it starting in June.

If you could do it before me, could you do that? I would appreciate it.

Thanks and Greetings

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