
I didn't knew about "reverse-depends", nice.

The 3 Reverse-Build-Depends-Indep only need one line removed from d/control,
and I blindly guess it's the same but about d/test/control for the 4 first

Funcsigs has already been removed.


Le dim. 8 sept. 2024, 18:45, Colin Watson <cjwat...@debian.org> a écrit :

>   $ reverse-depends -b src:unittest2
>   Reverse-Testsuite-Triggers
>   ==========================
>   * esda                          (for python3-unittest2)
>   * python-django-netfields       (for python3-unittest2)
>   * python-oauth2client           (for python3-unittest2)
>   * yarsync                       (for python3-unittest2)
>   Reverse-Build-Depends-Indep
>   ===========================
>   * designate-dashboard           (for python3-unittest2)
>   * python-jenkins                (for python3-unittest2)
>   * python-oauth2client           (for python3-unittest2)
> --
> Colin Watson (he/him)                              [cjwat...@debian.org]

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