Package: librust-ed25519-dalek-dev
Version: 2.1.1+4.1.3+20240618+dfsg-6
Severity: important
Control: affects -1 src:rust-rusty-paserk src:atuin

Dear Maintainer,

As the title says.

merlin currently hardcoded a compile_error!() thus FTBFS on big-endian
architectures, as can be seen at

This transmitted through ed25519-dalek+batch to rusty_paserk, then to atuin.
Disabling this feature would help atuin build on s390x and migrate. A search for
'dalek+batch' in archive Sources had no result, so at least on the surface
nothing in Debian depends on this feature. Please don't hesitate to ask for
extra hands if it's complicated.

Blair Noctis

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