Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Edward Betts <>

* Package name    : pyisy
  Version         : 3.1.14
  Upstream Author : Ryan Kraus <>, shbatm 
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Library for interacting with Universal Devices ISY 

  This library provides functionality to interact with various Universal Devices
  ISY controllers, including ISY994, IoX, Polisy, and eisy models. It enables
  communication with nodes, programs, variables, and the network module of ISY
  controllers. The library supports operations such as querying device statuses,
  executing commands, and monitoring changes automatically from the devices.
  Compatible with Insteon, Z-Wave, Zigbee, X10, and Matter protocols, this
  library facilitates comprehensive home automation management by integrating
  multiple device types and control functionalities into one cohesive interface.

This library is a dependency of Home Assistant, the Python smart home platform.
I plan to maintain it as part of the Home Assistant team.

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