Bin Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After upgrade to 1.2.1, I can't print to remote cups server using
> lpr.
> With google, I found the same bug in ubuntu

The important references from there are:

This affects printing with a 1.2.x client to a 1.1.x server, due to a
protocol incompatibility.  The chunking looks like it was fixed in
1.2.1, though, so the remaining problems must be something else.  It's
not clear what STR #1717 is caused by, but it looks like it's a setup
error (no esp-gs).

Could you set LogLevel to debug in cupsd.conf on the server, and then
try printing.  If you then post you error_log for that job, it would
be useful.


Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?
                Debian GNU/Linux
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