Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> Hey Max!
> Em Sáb, 2006-06-10 às 06:23 -0500, Max Bowsher escreveu:
>> Whilst pkg_resources.require() tolerates this, and still finds the
>> json-py egg, setuptools' easy_install does *not* find it, because it
>> performs filtering based on Python version declared in egg filenames.
>> The elementtree, kid, and python-cherrypy packages rename the egg-info
>> directory to remove the -py2.X tag, avoiding this problem.
> Yeah, I made that for python-cherrypy, but I didn't knew the
> implications of leaving it as is. Doing what python-cherrypy does is
> enough, then? Not having the version in the name is enough for it to
> find?

Yes, what python-cherrypy does works well. easy_install then happily
reads the renamed .egg-info directory.


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