Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> Attached is a patch against moreutils to add a -p/--preserve option to
> sponge that prevents it from modifying the output if the input is
> identical. This means that something like this:
>         generate-web-page | sponge -p > ~/public_html/index.html
> no longer results in the output file looking modified to web browsers.
> To implement this, I am afraid I felt it necessary to change a bunch of
> other things, too. The code no longer keeps the entire input file in
> memory, instead it uses a temporary file. I also added option parsing
> with getopt_long.

Fraid the use of mkstemp, besides having the permissions portability
problems documented on its man page, means that all files this version
of sponge touches come out mode 600.

see shy jo

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