Richard Atterer wrote:
> reopen 362962
> retitle 362962 Please document that nm-applet needs the "notification area" 
> applet to appear on the panel [was: Networkmanager is not present in the 
> gnome-panel applets listing]
> thanks
> Hello,
> it took 15 minutes of head-scratching, running nm-applet manually, reading 
> manpages etc. before I figured out that you have to add the "notification 
> area" applet to the panel to see the NetworkManager icon.
> Please make this clearer in the documentation! It'd be great if you could 
> add it in several places:
>  - Put it in the package description. For example:
>      Note: The "Notification Area" applet must be running for 
>      the NetworkManager icon to appear on your panel.
>  - Put it in the nm-applet manpage more clearly - state that you have to 
>    add the "notification area" applet to the panel. The manpage talks about 
>    a "notify-area", but I had no idea so far what that area is, and whether 
>    it was already existent on my desktop.
>  - Put it in the README.Debian for both network-manager{-gnome,}
>    The manpage points the user to 
>    /usr/share/doc/network-manager/README.Debian for the information on "how 
>    to add nm-applet in your gnome notify-area", but that file doesn't 
>    discuss installing the applet at all.

First of all, the notification area applet is added to the gnome panel
by default. So this shouldn't be a problem at all.
For people that remove the notification area applet from the
gnome-panel, I assume they know what they are doing.
Second, the description of network-manager-gnome says, that it is a
notification area applet.
Third, network-manager-gnome is not Gnome specific, it runs in every DE
which support the systray fd.o standard [1], e.g. XFCE, KDE or also
openbox' docker area. So I think adding Gnome specific documentation
might be a bit misleading.
Fourth, the man page is indeed not consistent when talking about
notify-area. It should be called notification area to be consistent.
This is the only change I'd consider.
Fifth, there are many other programs, that use a systray icon. Should
they all contain documentation about how to enable the systray dock of
their desktop environment of choice. I don't think so.

I'm intended to close this bug, but first want to hear your comment.



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