
On 20 Jun 2006, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> currently the global activation of t-prot in /etc/Muttrc.t-prot uses the
> examples/footers directory,


> however that is not apropriate for
> configuration files. t-prot should install all or some of these example
> footers into /etc/t-prot.footers or something similar. 

IMHO it definitely shouldn't. A global directory of footer files is a
very bad idea -- you might need to put a huge number of footers there
if this directory is supposed to suit all local users.

And since matching various footers against the bottom lines of a given
message is quite a performance-intensive procedure, you should avoid
unnecessary files in your footer directory to keep decent performance.

An even better idea for good performance is using mutt's folder-hooks
for switching between different (much smaller) sets of footer files
(assuming you have your incoming mail sorted into several folders, e.g.
one for each mailing list you get).

> Currently it's also not as easy as it could be to add your own footer
> files (the reason why the global activation is deactivated here).

As you can see above, it's really a good idea to keep per-user footer
directories (where it should be a piece of cake to add your own hand-
tweaked footer files).

Hope this helps,
and best greetings,

Stau - ein Wort, wie es deutscher und eleganter nicht sein könnte. Ein
Kulturgut, auf welches das Mutterland der Autobahn in Wort und Bild
maßlos stolz sein kann.
               -- Bernd Gramlich in de.etc.sprache.deutsch, 2004-10-24

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