tag 364702 unreproducible moreinfo


The dump is not fully correctly, because the last character in each line is 
comma (,), not (;).

The hexadecimal encoding in place of ascii was correct because you used 
collate ascii_bin. I've called

  sed -i s/,$/;' dump.sql

and imported your file correctly.

Also, I exported the database with UPDATE option and it was exported 
correctly, too. Of course, the name column was hexadecimal encoded, too.

Dnia wtorek, 25 kwietnia 2006 06:07, Ferenczi Viktor napisał:
> Package: phpmyadmin
> Version: 4:
> Severity: normal
> I've dumped a table as UPDATE commands and got invalid result for the name
> column. Large hexadecimal numbers are dumped instead of strings. This
> cannot be executed on the same version of mysql. Dump is useless:
> -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
> -- version
> -- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
> --
> -- Hoszt: localhost
> -- Ltrehozs ideje: 2006. pr 25. 05:59
> -- Szerver verzi: 4.1.15
> -- PHP Verzi: 4.4.2-1+b1
> --
> -- Adatbzis: `cx_digit`
> --
> -- --------------------------------------------------------
> --
> -- Tbla szerkezet: `parameters`
> --
> CREATE TABLE `parameters` (
>   `rowid` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `name` varchar(32) character set ascii collate ascii_bin NOT NULL default
> '', `label` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
>   `language` char(2) character set ascii collate ascii_bin NOT NULL default
> '', `value` text NOT NULL,
>   `description` text NOT NULL,
>   `foreign` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
>   `order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`rowid`),
>   UNIQUE KEY `name_language` (`name`,`language`)
> --
> -- Tbla adatok: `parameters`

 .''`.    Piotr Roszatycki
: :' :    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
`. `'     

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