severity 373235 wishlist
tags 373235 +pending

On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 11:56:43AM +0200, Ola Lundqvist wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 03:57:03PM -0400, Dan Pritts wrote:
>> Package: horde3
>> Version: 3.0.4-4sarge3

>> The README.Debian file is a bit sparse.  Here are some suggested additions:

>> perhaps this:

>>      Your web server must be configured so that Horde is accessible via the
>>      URL /horde3.  apache2 example syntax:

>>          Alias /horde3/ "/usr/share/horde3/"

> This is actually the only thing you need to do on a standard Debian
> apache installation.

And this _is_ mentioned in the README.Debian.

>>          <Directory "/usr/share/horde3/">
>>              Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks

I use only "FollowSymlinks" and "it works ©". Why do you think that
Indexes and MultiViews is necessary and/or useful?

>>              AllowOverride None

That would be
  AllowOverride Limite

>> In a related problem, the next bit (about configuring using the
>> web interface) also doesn't really say what URL you should access to
>> do the configuration.  I figured out from my apache logs that i
>> needed the URL /horde3 to work to get at horde in general, but it
>> didn't tell me where i needed to go do configure it.

>> I kept trying /horde3/conf.php since it was mentioned there.    Just
>> mentioning /horde3 as the entry point would be great.

> That should be added to the README.Debian file, yes.

Just did that.


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