On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 07:31 +0200, Jan Hudec wrote:

> The dejavu.diff does NOT fix this bug. It adds DejaVu fonts as alternative
> for the generic aliases, but it puts them after Bitstream Vera. However since
> DejaVu fonts are a strict superset of Bitstream Vera ones, they should be
> the /first/ alternative.

No, they should not. The Deja Vu developers do not have access to
reasonable font design tools, so the glyphs they're creating are not of
high quality, furthermore, they've added glyphs of questionable quality
from other free fonts that are far outside the design space for the Vera

Deja Vu is becoming a sad reflection of the Vera promise. If you don't
want to use the vera font, don't install it.


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