>>>>> "Fabio" == Fabio Tranchitella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Fabio> I fully agree and will  apply the patch with the next upload.
    Fabio> Thanks for your report, patch and explanation. :)


I have  forgotten something in my  patch. If the connection  is down and
there isn't DNS server configured, then a socket.error exception will be
raise, otherwise  if there  is DNS server  configured, DNS.Base.DNSError
will be  raise. The patch  i have attached  to this mail fixes  also the
second case ;). I tried it and it works, tell me if it works for you...

Arnaud Fontaine

--- validators.py.old	2006-07-16 14:11:26.249788848 +0200
+++ validators.py	2006-07-17 14:13:23.185329064 +0200
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 httplib = None
 urlparse = None
 socket = None
+DNSError = None
 from interfaces import *
 from api import *
 sha = random = None
@@ -1130,6 +1131,7 @@
         'empty': 'Please enter an email address',
         'noAt': 'An email address must contain a single @',
         'badUsername': 'The username portion of the email address is invalid (the portion before the @: %(username)s)',
+        'socketError': 'An error occured when trying to connect to the server: %(error)s',
         'badDomain': 'The domain portion of the email address is invalid (the portion after the @: %(domain)s)',
         'domainDoesNotExist': 'The domain of the email address does not exist (the portion after the @: %(domain)s)',
@@ -1173,7 +1175,19 @@
                 value, state)
         if self.resolve_domain:
-            domains = mxlookup(splitted[1])
+	    global socket, DNSError
+	    if socket is None:
+        	import socket
+	    if DNSError is None:
+		from DNS.Base import DNSError
+	    try:
+                domains = mxlookup(splitted[1])
+	    except (socket.error, DNSError), e:
+		raise Invalid(
+		    self.message('socketError', state, error=e),
+		    value, state)
             if not domains:
                 raise Invalid(
                     self.message('domainDoesNotExist', state,

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