Hi Mark,

I realise that it is almost four years since you submitted this bug
report. I do apologise that it took so long to finally get to looking at
it more closely. I realise it might be pretty far fetched to expect that
you would even have a recollection of what you reported at the time, I
thought I still give it a go:

I've just done a test run with a vfat filesystem and couldn't find
anything like the message you were seeing in neither mindi.log nor
mondo-archive.log nor mondo-restore.log. So, I think this might be

Just to double-check, where exactly did you see this (if you remember):

------------------------------ insmod vfat ---------------------------- 
Using /lib/modules/2.4.19/kernel/fs/vfat/vfat.o
insmod: a module named vfat already exists
--------------------------------end of output--------------------------
...ran with errors.

Was this in mondo-archive.log?

When you run the latest version of mondo, do you still get this?

Best regards & thanks a lot!
Andree Leidenfrost
@ Debian Developer
Sydney - Australia

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