tags # moreinfo unreproducible


On Sat, May 20, 2006 at 12:32:50PM -0600, Hans Fugal wrote:
> Package: pmidi
> Version: 1.6.0-1
> Severity: important
> I don't know why, but pmidi just doesn't want to work anymore. No matter
> what I hook it up to, it just doesn't send any events, or sends one or
> two events at the beginning and then doesn't send any more. It also
> never seems to finish. 

I cannot reproduce this bug. Could you give me more informations ?
Could you try to read other midi files ? 
If you use timidity in server mode, can you try to change options when you load 
It could be a problem of MIDI latency.


    .---.      Ludovic RESLINGER
   /     \
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]@./     Trumpet Student in CNR
   /`\_/`\     Free Software Developer
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