Le mercredi 09 août 2006 à 20:51 +0200, Kurt Roeckx a écrit :
> I haven't tried.  It happened to me on the buildd host.
> This seems to be buildd log that caused my problems:
> http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.php?pkg=libgail-gnome%26ver=1.1.3-3%26arch=amd64%26stamp=1154646263%26file=log
> So, this might be as result of a partial removal failure or
> something.
> PS: I had a simular problem with libgnomevfs2-common failing, it
> gave simular error messages gconf-schemas usage, but I didn't
> write that down.

The problem that happened in the log is a known bug that was caused by a
broken gconf2 version, but it is related to the defaults code, not the
schemas. Both codes being quite independent, it is probably not directly

To trigger that bug, something must have removed the .schemas files
in /usr/share/gconf/schemas. These files are normal files handled by
dpkg, so this is probably either a *very* buggy other package, or a
manual intervention. My first guess is that an administrator may have
removed by hand everything gconf-related on the system after the first
failure. Do you know whether this could have happened?
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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