tags 263614 + unreproducible

On Thu, 05 Aug 2004 13:26:28 +0200, Andreas Neudecker wrote:

> I have a bash prompt that prints [EMAIL PROTECTED]:path$ 
> with the user and machine names in blue. Additionaly, the 
> same information is printed in the window title of an X
> terminal. The code looks like this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:\[\033[0m\]\w\$ \[\033]0;[EMAIL PROTECTED]:\w\007\]
> In mc, however, it has two effects: When mc starts,
> (in monochrome mode) the screen remains black until some keys 
> are pressed. Then, the shell prompt at the bottom is wrong: 
> It displays the string for the window title, too:

I cannot reproduce this problem with mc 1:4.6.1-5
My PS1 is set to "\[\033[1m\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)[EMAIL 

mc and mc -b don't give any unexpected results.

I suggest to close this bug.


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