On Wed, 09 Aug 2006 00:22:11 +0200 Jean-Michel wrote:

> Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
> > Jean-Michel:
> > Could you please provide the content of /etc/kernel-img.conf -
> do_symlinks = yes
> relative_links = yes
> do_bootloader = no
> do_bootfloppy = no
> do_initrd = yes
> link_in_boot = no
> postinst_hook = /sbin/update-grub
> postrm_hook = /sbin/update-grub

No "ramdisk = " line there. Ok - then you use the default ramdisk
generator as decided by the kernel packages - currently initramfs-tools.

> > and also tell us if you've run some custom ramdisk-building scripts
> > yourself, in addition to the stuff done automatically by the kernel
> > image postinst routines?
> >   
> I do not know what is a«custom ramdisk-building scripts».
> I just know I had had an issue when I switched from 2.6.12 to 2.6.15
> some months ago, and I believe to remember that some line related to
> *ram* was to be added or modified in some configuration file.

If unaware of it, then probably - and hopefully - you don't :-)

> > Also, do you have lilo installed? Do you use it, or do you use GRUB
> > or another bootloader?
> >   
> Yes, I use lilo. Grub is also installed.

This may be the cause for the trouble, then:

the default ramdisk generator for Debian, initramfs-tools, until
recently (and perhaps still?) did not handle lilo correctly.

> When I installed kernel 2.6.16 (today), grub configuration file was
> automatically updated, but I had to update (by hand) /etc/lilo.conf,
> and then run lilo (as root).
> I use lilo, because I know how to add a kernel and modify option in
> lilo. I do not use grub, because I do not know grub configuration,
> and lilo works fine till now.

It should be no crime to run lilo. But it is arguable more fragile than
GRUB, and for most standard setups, GRUB is handled almost
automatically these days.

 - Jonas

* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

 - Enden er nær: http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm

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