On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 12:31:58 -0400, CSights wrote:

>       I have at least two forms of "java" installed, both exclusively through 
> the 
> official debian package management system (apt in this case).  One java 
> installation is some subset of "gij", the other is the 
> non-free "sun-java5-jre" which is pulled in as a dependency of "jabref".

I know what you mean, and you are not the first one with this
Cf. also /usr/share/doc/jabref/README.Debian

>       This is probably because the default java is that supplied with gij:

Exactly, but that's not a problem of jabref. See also bug #382414

>       A successful start of JabRef can be achieved by fully specifying the 
> path to 
> the "sun-java5-jre" supplied java.
> _______________________
> $ /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/bin/java -jar /usr/share/java/jabref.jar
> _______________________

At the moment I dont' think this is a good idea; I consider it a
rather fragile "solution" to include a path containing a version in
the wrapper script.


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