Package: kgames

Version: 4:3.5.2-1+b2

This is my first report. Please forgive any errors. If you need more info please feel free to ask:

knetwalk crash when the game have been completed and is recording score.

Linux 2.6.15-1-686-smp #2 SMP Mon Mar 6 15:34:50 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

knetwalk version:

as reported by package manager 4:3.5.2-1+b2

as reported on help of program 1.0

When started from kde:

(no debugging symbols found)

Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/".

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]

[New Thread -1233544608 (LWP 20508)]

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

(no debugging symbols found)

[KCrash handler]

#5 0xb7edb00b in KExtHighscore::PlayerInfos::submitScore ()

from /usr/lib/

#6 0xb7eea1bc in KExtHighscore::ManagerPrivate::submitScore ()

from /usr/lib/

#7 0xb7eea455 in KExtHighscore::submitScore () from /usr/lib/

#8 0x08052851 in ?? ()

#9 0xbfd6884c in ?? ()

#10 0x080e5ea0 in ?? ()

#11 0xbfd68874 in ?? ()

#12 0x00000000 in ?? ()

When started from shell

$ knetwalk &

QGArray::at: Absolute index 4 out of range

KCrash: Application 'knetwalk' crashing...

[1]+ Exit 253 knetwalk

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