hi jamie,

On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 13:53 +0100, Jamie Thompson wrote:
> When php4-mysql is enabled, php ceases to work and instead prints
> "Illegal Instruction" and terminates. If I disable the extension in
> php.ini, php works fine, abet without mysql functionality.

i'm fairly certain this is due to #384192, in which mysql accidentally
changed their ABI without bumping the symbol versions, which can cause
all kinds of problems.

> I've tried reinstalling, to no avail. Mysql seems to be running fine
> going from it's cli client.

could you try downgrading to a version of libmysqlclient15off < 5.0.24?
if not you could try the latest version that hit unstable yesterday or
the day before?  i'm fairly certain the former will fix the problem,
though if that's not possible i don't know that the latter will fix
the problem without recompiling php4, which should happen as soon
as the apache packaging team fixes an unrelated bug.


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