On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 10:19:49AM -0300, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> Em Qui, 2005-03-10 ās 12:57 +0100, Ivo Marino escreveu:
> > After a short discussion on the debian-java@lists.debian.org mailing
> > list we came to the conclusion that a devhelp-book-java2 package could
> > be quite interesting and useful during the Java development process.
> > 
> > Actually the only alternative are the online Sun Java API specifications[1].
> > Thanks in advance for considering such a package package.
> I'm quite willing to help provide such a package, but the API
> specifications seem to be completely non-free from what I gathered here:
> http://java.sun.com/docs/redist.html
> If the debian-java people will help me assemble a tarball with free API
> documentation for java, I'll happily add it to the devhelp-books
> package.

We will help. In fact we need to fix kaffe or use another runtime for
gjdoc. Then we can generated javadocs from classpath. And these docs
should then be made available inside and outside of devhelp.

Java Trap: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/java-trap.html

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