I'm unable to reproduce it with 2.05:

sudo ./arping -q -c 1 -T $a.$b.$c.$d $TARGET_MAC
arping: Can't resolve ..., or ... is broadcast. If it is, use -B instead of -T

Obviously without the env stuff set this is the same as "arping -q -c 1 
-T ...", and only "arping -T ..." is needed to segv 2.01.

Since the parameter to -T is sent verbatim to libnet, the segv itself looks 
like it's in there.

It looks like I didn't init libnet in 2.01 (mea culpa), however this is fixed 
in 2.05 (or possibly sooner. It's been a while), and I can't reproduce it 
with 2.05. Are you SURE it's still in 2.05?

/ Thomas Habets - the author of arping

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