> This problem also occurred on my machine when I upgraded udev to 0.100-1.

Sorry about that.

> The purge/reinstall did not work for me. During installation I get the
> following error

Be aware that the script fragment proposed in the NEWS file is
dangerous.  It fail to cope with removed but not purged packages.  Use
this instead, but see below for the udev issue.

    for p in `dpkg -S /etc/init.d/*|cut -d: -f1|sort -u`; do
      if dpkg --get-selections $p | grep -qw install ; then
        echo reinstalling $p
        apt-get --reinstall install $p

> The `/dev/.static/dev/.static/' path looks odd but I've no clue as to
> how to fix it.

This sounds like an half-configured udev system.  The
/dev/.static/dev/ path is where udev move away the original /dev/ with
static devices upon startup.  Does it help to run this?

  update-rc.d -f udev start 03 S .
  update-rc.d -f udev-mtab start 36 S .

The symlinks should look like this:

  # ls -l /etc/rc*/*udev*
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Sep  8 11:29 /etc/rcS.d/S03udev -> ../init.d/udev
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 Sep  9 10:33 /etc/rcS.d/S36udev-mtab -> 

I've recently been told about the /var/log/dpkg.log file.  It include
the list of installs, upgrades and removals.  You should be able to
use it to figure out what packages that need a reinstall.  I have not
yet a script fragment to do this.

Sorry for the mess.

Petter Reinholdtsen

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