On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 02:47:31PM +0200, Torsten Marek wrote:
> is there any ARM machine I could log into to find out what the source of 
> errors
> is? All ARM machines are either locked down or I can't log into them, and I do
> not have any other possibility to get hold of one.

leisner.debian.org is available; I've already asked debian-admin to install
the required build-deps in its sid dchroot, but it seems to be taking a
little more time than usual.

I'm a bit stomped on the bug, though; the issue seems to be that
qUncompress() returns QByteArray* instead of QByteArray, which g++ refuses to
make a new QByteArray out of. The relevant snippet is this one:

 11194                         QByteArray *sipRes;
 11196                         sipRes = new QByteArray(qUncompress(a0,a1));
 11198                         return 

(I might be deceived, though -- this file is autogenerated, and I'm looking at
it on an i386 since I don't have a suitable arm available yet... perhaps it
might be differently generated on arm?)

OTOH, this works fine on all other platforms, without as much as a warning,
and the code _looks_ correct enough...

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