Am 2005-03-12 08:54:47, schrieb Roland Stigge:
> Hi,

> Are we talking about features being "good" or "bad"? Or about intended
> and documented behaviour? Consider someone that says, at the command
> line: "Get me a copy of this .deb into the current directory." (using
> "aptitude download <package>", as documented). Then, aptitude (at least,
> the command line version) shouldn't try to be intelligent and say: "No,
> this is bad!".

No, because you download only via http or ftp.

> If you don't want a copy of the respective package in the current
> directory, just don't call "aptitude download <package>".

This is false, because a local file can not downloaded, because it
is already there.  The same thing is with installation from CD.

Local files can only be copied but not downloaded.  I think, you
have a false understanding between "downloading" and "copying".

> BTW: The behaviour of "aptitude install <package>" etc. doesn't need to
> change, of course.


> Thanks for considering.
> bye,
>   Roland


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