--- Begin Message ---
Frank Küster a écrit :
> Bonjour Jean-Jacques,
> sorry for not replying so long.  I assume you still have this problem? 

Fortunately, I use now a Sarge distribution which works perfectly, but I 
keep the sid. So it's not a urgent problem now.

> Jean-Jacques Rétorré <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, I should have known that this does not give much additional
> information.  In case you still get the error, please do the following:

I still get the error on my sid

> Open the file /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/auctex in a text
> editor.  It starts with a couple of comment lines, then comes some
> code.  The 8th line of code is a single line surrounded by empty lines,
> which reads:
> FLAVOR=${1}
> Please insert the following statement in the empty line before it:
> set -x
> After this, execute 
> dpkg --reconfigure auctex 2>&1 | tee auctex-install.lg
zoe:~#  dpkg --reconfigure auctex 2>&1 | tee auctex-install.lg
dpkg: unknown option --reconfigure

I assume dpkg-reconfigure
zoe:~#  dpkg-reconfigure auctex 2>&1 | tee auctex-install.lg
/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: auctex is broken or not fully installed
> and send us the file auctex-install.lg
best regards

--- End Message ---

Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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