On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 02:52:26PM +0300, Martin-Éric Racine wrote:
> On Fri, September 8, 2006 18:13, Stanislav Maslovski said:

> > The word list /usr/share/aspell/ru.cwl.gz contains "138420" as the very
> > first word, which is a mistake. Here is the complete warning message I got
> > from "dpkg-reconfigure aspell-ru" (in russian)
> >
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > aspell-autobuildhash: processing: ru [ru]
> > ðÒÅÄÕÐÒÅÖÄÅÎÉÅ: The word "138420" is invalid. óÉÍ×ÏÌ '1' (U+31) ÎÅ ÍÏÖÅÔ
> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> That is perfectly inoffensive. The aspell dictionary is generated from the
> myspell dictionary, which starts with a wordcount number. Aspell discards
> it when it builds the hash, as you saw, but it is needlessly verbose about
> it.

You can use 'sed 1d' to strip first line and make this less verbose. This is
what I do for the esperanto dictionary (with eo changed to ru):

cat ru.dic | sed 1d | LC_COLLATE=C sort -u | prezip > ru.cwl


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