Hello Hendrik,

I'm interested to see obexpushd in Debian. I'am a DD so I can package it
myself. I can also be your sponsor if you prefer to be it's maintainer.

3 серпня 2006 о 22:30 +0200 Hendrik Sattler написав(-ла):
> Hi,
> I am the libopenobex maintainer for Debian.
> I can offer you a drop-in replacement for obexserver that I wrote for this 
> very purpose.
> As a correction for your description, obexserver:
> - cannot handle irda connection (bluetooth only)
> - does not handle SDP stuff (reason for most of the bug reports)
> - does not compile with current libopenobex
> - has to be restarted for every file
> obexpushd has the following features:
> - serves irda and bluetooth connections (at the same time)
> - sets up local SDP server correctly (needed by many mobile devices)
> - does not overwrite files
> - can run as real daemon or being started by a user (no-detach mode if 
> requested)
> - aims to get fully compliant to Obex Push Profile
> If you are interested, I can also package it myself but would need a sponsor 
> for the package. The other possibility is you being the packager and me the 
> upstream author. After that, obexserver package can be removed.
> I did not call it obexserver as this name is simply too generic (look at 
> obexftp for additional possibilities).
> Why did I write it?:
> The main purpose it to get rid of obexserver as it is one of the remaining 
> packages that depend on the old openobex library package (affix being the 
> only other one).

Eugeniy Meshcheryakov

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