On Sun, Sep 24, 2006 at 08:03:32AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> >    * set debconf priority to "error" as we're only displaying errors.
> >      (Closes: #388879)
> s/priority/type

doh. :)

> I suggest also double-checking that the *priority* is

double doh! will do.

> adapted. Displaying errors at priority low or medium makes them very
> likely to *not* be displayed so you might really consider whether the
> priority is adapted....or if the note itself is really useful, of
> course...:-)
> If these error notes are really something that your users should see
> when the error occurs, setting their priority to "high" is probably
> better.

Well, I don't think the message itself is all that useful, that is why
it was a note of low priority. What I'm concerned about is all the
wasted translation effort if the notes are completely removed...

I'm seriously thinking about completely removing them now...

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