On Sun, Sep 24, 2006 at 03:18 +0300, Juhapekka Tolvanen wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/juhtolv % tree .texmf*
> .texmf-var
> |-- fonts
> |   `-- tfm
> |       `-- jknappen
> |           `-- ec
> `-- web2c
>     |-- latex.fmt
>     |-- latex.log
>     |-- pdflatex.fmt
>     `-- pdflatex.log

As you found out these files where the problem. Here comes the
explanation why it is a problem and how this might have happened: 

All the various commands latex, pdflatex, etex ... are just links to one
binary: pdfetex. Based on the nameby which it is called, pdfetex looks
for a suitable format file. For example when called as 'latex' it looks
for the format file 'latex.fmt'. Normally these format files are created
during installation and located in /var/lib/texmf/web2c/. However, if
there is a format file in a private tree that comes before the system
wide trees, that format will be used. You can check which format file is
used via 'kpsewhich latex.fmt'.

Now why did you have a format file in you $HOME? You must have called
fmtutil under your UID instead of fmtutil-sys as root at one point.
While the latter is for system wide changes, the former is used for
personal changes. In general it is better and saver not to use the
private trees for things like formats and font-map files.


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