> Yes. I don't mind them coming up for a *new* event.
> Did that clarify the request?

Yes. First, if you close a channel tab, the channel won't re-open on
reconnect. Your problem just happens for private messages. This is
because the client does not send anything to bip when you close a
private message tab. This is implied by the irc protocol. So bip cannot
track your open private message windows. What happens is that it
backlogs the private messages from chanserv and nickserv and your client
open tabs for this reason.

I would suggest that you try the blreset_on_talk option though. It will
forget all backlog information prior to your last message on a server.
This way you will certainly not have the chanserv, nickserv window
opening again an again. You can also try to manually run /quote bip

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Arnaud Cornet

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