On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 09:10:55AM +0100, Helge Kreutzmann wrote:
> The following two sequences behave differently, although they should
> not:
> a) echo "Hello" > /tmp/tfile
>    gvim /tmp/tfile
>    :close
> a) echo "Hello" > /tmp/tfile
>    gvim /tmp/tfile
>    File->Close
> In the first case, an error message is printed:
> E444: Cannot close last window  
> and the file remains in the window.
> In the second case, the window is closed (but not gvim!) as expected,
> without any error message.

The reason you're seeing the different behavior is because File->Close
does more than just :close.  It checks to see whether there is more than
one window open or not.  In your scenario (only one window), it actually
performs ":confirm enew" since :close will always fail if there is only
one window open (as noted in the help).

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