tags 391792 + patch

On Sun, Oct 08, 2006 at 01:39:42PM -0700, Cameron Dale wrote:
> As noted in the NEWS.Debian file:
>  The btcompletedirgui and btmaketorrentgui programs have been patched as
>  they were not working with python-wxgtk2.6. They do, however, work with
>  python-wxgtk2.4, and so it has been added as a Suggest dependency and
>  the programs have been patched to select the older version. If you want
>  to run either of these programs, you will need to install python-wxgtk2.4.
>  If you don't need either of these programs, you will not need to install
>  python-wxgtk2.4.

Attached is a patch that will make btcompletedirgui and btmaketorrentgui
working with python-wxgtk2.6.  It can replace the current
12_make_guis_use_2.4 patch.


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