Am Mittwoch 18 Oktober 2006 10:56 schrieb Eduard Bloch:
> Well. Could you patch your local version to remove the offending
> "information for users" that is printed along with -msinfo output,
> then replace the wodim binary and then do some tests with it? I
> cannot reproduce it at all.

Yes I could - and did.
Fine result no problem any more.
I just introduced a #ifdef DONTBOTHERME ... #endif arround 
the "forbidden code" in libscg/scsitransport.c. This are by the way 
printf calls so the text goes to stdout which is bad because this is 
where k3b (libk3b/projects/datacd/k3bmsinfofetcher.cpp) expects to find 
the result of "wodim -msinfo"

And what happend...
Everthings fine again.
So that's the bug.
I'd say it's two bugs.
1. k3b should perhaps be more tolerant parsing the output
2. wodim should not print both warnings and results both to stdout.

Greetings Chris

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