On mer, 18 ott 2006, Brian Sutherland wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> The error you describe is probably from trying to build schoolbell with
> Zope3.3 which was lately uploaded in an un-coordinated fashion.

Are you talking about uploads in Debian? Zope3.3 has been uploaded a few
days after the official release, so the "lately" doesn't apply to the

> SchoolBell needs to be updated to work with Zope 3.3, but it looks as if
> upstream is not willing to make that happen. No outside volunteers have
> appeared to take over that role.

Well, doesn't schooltool depend on schoolbell? How can upstream release
a zope 3.3-compatible product for one without the other one? Are you
talking about just `schoolbell.app'? I think it is just a matter of
conditional import, isn't it?


Fabio Tranchitella                         http://www.kobold.it
Free Software Developer and Consultant     http://www.tranchitella.it
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