
I've been tracking down the segfault reported in debian bug #381973 (http://bugs.debian.org/381973). See the bug report for steps on how to reproduce it.

It seems to be a problem with the LUKS part of cryptsetup, more specifically:

During "cryptsetup luksOpen" with the previously set 448 bit (56 byte) key, we'll have the following call chain:

main -> action_luksOpen -> crypt_job -> __crypt_luks_open -> LUKS_open_any_key -> LUKS_open_key -> AF_merge

AF_merge is being called as:

mk->keyLength is here (correctly) set to 56, and mk->key is a statically allocated 32 byte buffer (defined as part of struct luks_masterkey in luks.h).

This will lead the last call to XORblock in AF_merge to scribble 56 - 32 bytes outside that buffer, thus corrupting the stack and leading to interesting crashes in unrelated places later.

I'm not familiar enough with the LUKS code to suggest a fix...Clemens?

David Härdeman

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