On Thu, 2006-10-26 at 12:17 -0400, A. Costa wrote:
> Clear enough, but these seem less intuitive:
>     % i 1234abc
>     1234 0x4D2 02322 0b10011010010
>     % i 1abc234
>     1 0x1 01 0b1

While I was looking in to this, I discovered that the manpage documents
this behaviour:

"Otherwise, if an argument begins with a digit, it is assumed to be a
decimal number."

I propose to leave it this way. The behaviour is documented. If given
this input the program does as the manpage advertises ("assumes it's a
decimal number") then I don't see the problem. It's the own risk of the
user to pass nonsensical input into the program, but the program still
behaves as advertised. Everything ok.


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