On Mon, 2006-11-06 at 17:18 +0200, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> We have a winner! :)
> The only thing I had to do to make gaim-encryption load again is to
> move away the "known_keys" file. After this it works as expected.
> Didn't touch id/id.priv files, only known_keys

That's great to hear! But at the same time it's a sort of denial of
service problem, since anyone you had encrypted conversations with can
probabaly crash your Gaim for good, if they understand the problem.

> I am downgrading the severity, since the impact as not that large as I
> thought.


> Any ideas how to proceed further in narrowing the problem?

Actually, running it through valgrind or any other memmory analyzer
should tell us a little bit more about this problem, but unfortunately I
won't have time to debug this properly until the weekend.
I'll forward this upstream and perhaps he can find it faster then us.

The last thing I can think of is testing if a new Gaim version can
actually use such an offending key. Is the owner of the offending key
still in your buddy-list? Can you check if his gaim usage is normal and
if his Gaim is still using this public/private keyset? 
This is a separate problem, but it would be nice of us to check! 

Thanks a lot for all the help!



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