Cyril Brulebois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (10/11/2006):
>  1.

The 1st_attempt subdirectory contains the previous source package, which
I was speaking about, in my first mail.

> There are several revisions, since I worked on the packaging step by
> step. If you're satisfied with this packaging, I could merge the
> changelog entries

I've done so with this ``-1'' revision. I also fixed some remaining
problems related to maintainer scripts not handling start/stop actions.
The second line of the changelog (and eventually debian/control's
Maintainer:'s field) has (have) to be changed before your upload if you
decide to do so, as well as closing this particular bug report.

> #316605 would be fixed as well.

Actually, the user is root and not daemon, but I'll fix that in a next
revision. The submitter reported several troubles and not all are fixed,
that's why I wouldn't close that bug with this revision, after all.


Cyril Brulebois

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