Moin Helge!

Helge Kreutzmann schrieb am Sonntag, den 12. November 2006:

> I just installed privoxy and now read the documentation to find out
> how to configure it. I start out with README.Debian. First, only local
> files are referenced, but then:
>   To change the default, go to http://p.p/edit-actions-list?f=global
>   (this can also be reached from http://p.p/show-status via the
>   global.action edit link) and modify the default to your needs.  You
> However, no such domain "p.p" exists.

Why don't you try this out (with http://localhost:8118 configured as
your HTTP proxy)?  It does exist, because it is handled internally by

> I assume that this is some kind of abbreviation, however, I can not
> see which one.

It's an abbreviation of, which is handled
internally by privoxy.

> Since the README.Debian is not too large (yet), could you either
> explain this abbreviation or (better yet) expand it in the few times
> you use it?

I don't think that this is necessary, because gives
some reader the wrong idea that privoxy is configured by some remote
instance at the servers.  p.p shows clearer that this
isn't a routed hostname, but handled internally.




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