forwarded 397962
tags 397962 upstream

Le 11.11.2006, à 21:56:32, Maciej Czerniak a écrit:
> Thanks the problem was connected with PILOTRATE.
> It wasn't set in environment so jpilot-sync took it from configs.
> Default is 9600. It syncs with no problem when I set 19200 or even H460800.
> But there is a bug in jpilot preferences.
> In settings in field Serial Rate it is written that this setting "does not
> affect USB". But it affects it so on 9600 it is not getting synced
> properly.
> I think that this text should be deleted, and the default should be set to
> 115200 which is OK for both USB and serial.
> What do you think about changing this?

Good suggestion. I report it upstream.

> I believe the bug is solved and should be closed!
> Many thanks for great support!

I will keep it open until it is corrected upstream.

 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --

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