I'm using dansguardian_2.8.0.6-antivirus-6.4.4-1_i386.deb and still have this problem. Some of the files left are big files, some of them are 0 byte files. I can abort a connection, and the files being written at the time are deleted fine. There really is nothing in the logs and nothing out of the ordinary about the files left behind.. except that some of them are 0 bytes.

2006.11.15 9:25:28 - x.x.x.x http://www.times-news.com/ *SCANNED*  GET 72157
2006.11.15 9:25:29 - x.x.x.x http://www.times-news.com/robots.txt *SCANNED* GET 1718 2006.11.15 9:25:29 - x.x.x.x http://www.times-news.com/subscribe *SCANNED* GET 90 2006.11.15 9:25:31 - x.x.x.x http://www.times-news.com/readercare *SCANNED* GET 76 2006.11.15 9:25:34 - x.x.x.x http://www.times-news.com/contactus *SCANNED* GET 28365 2006.11.15 9:25:35 - x.x.x.x http://www.times-news.com/aboutus *SCANNED* GET 27523

-rw------- 1 dansguardian dansguardian 42K 2006-11-15 09:25 tf6vvbod

Hit it again. Cached from squid. everything is fine. Clear squid cache, hit it again. It gets SCANNED again and everything is fine. It's very random and not repeatable from what I've seen.

I tried using clamdscan to see if that made a difference, but could not make it work. DansGuardian complains that the AV engine is not recognized. It only seems to work when clamav is chosen in the config file.


David W Potts
Network Engineer
Computer Services
Allegany College of Maryland
12401 Willow Brook Road
Cumberland MD 21502
Phone 301-784-5327
Fax 301-784-5007

I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
  - Pablo Picasso
fn:David Potts
org:Allegany College of Maryland;Computer Services
adr:;;12401 Willow Brook Road;Cumberland;MD;21502;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Network Engineer

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