Steve Langasek wrote:
On Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 04:40:46PM +0100, Michael Burschik wrote:

The command " /etc/passwd" marks all passwords in /etc/shadow as {crypt} passwords, although they are clearly
{md5} passwords and are marked as such by "$1$".

How does this break?  The system crypt() function also supports md5 hashes,
AFAIK, so doesn't this Just Work?

Yes, you are right. It does "Just Work (TM)". Provided that the LDAP-Server was linked against glibc2 and that it actually uses the glibc2 implementation of crypt (and not that of OpenSSL, for example). So this is not really a Debian bug, but it will break on any system that uses a crypt implementation without GNU extensions. Sorry about that.


Michael Burschik

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