Frank Küster wrote:
> "Kevin B. McCarty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>An example feynmf source package implementing option (c) of this bug
>>report is now available here:
>>Again, please let me know your thoughts on this.
> Looks very nice (you're probably the first one to follow the "please
> redirect TEXMFVAR into $CURDIR" request).  Except that
> feynmf-and-texlive.txt will soon be outdated, I'm currently testing the
> new version.

I've just uploaded another version to the same location as above (still
with the 1.08-3 version number, so replacing the files already there).
Dependencies are fixed to make TeXLive the default; also I removed
feynmf-and-texlive.txt, and made a few more miscellaneous aesthetic
fixes.  Could you please test that version instead?  I've done some
tests to make sure that apt-get/aptitude do the right thing in various
installation scenarios.  If everything looks good to you and Norbert
I'll upload it to ftp-master.

Norbert Preining wrote:

> Frank: If you want you can do an upload, just add
>       blacklist;tpm;feynmf;*
> to the cfg file (if feynmf is the right tpm name). Then we have to add 
> something like
>       recommends;texlive-metapost;feynmf (>= ???)
> (version necessary???) and maybe something like
>       depends;texlive-full;feynmf

If you want a versioned recommends from texlive-metapost, I guess it
should be >= 1.08-3.

By the way, I've switched between sets of teTeX and TeXLive packages
several times now testing dependencies, and you guys have really done a
great job of making sure that goes smoothly. :-)

best regards,

Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Physics Department
WWW:    Princeton University
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