Ludovic Brenta wrote:

The problems are:

- You must pass -static to the *binder*, not the *linker*.  As per the
  GAT documentation, you do not need to pass libgnata or libgnarl.a
  explicitly; the binder's job is to figure out these things for you.

Ahhhh.....*now* I understand.

This is what happens when you take someone (me) whose development expertise is in the world of C and stick them in the world of Ada. :-)

It would probably be in our best interests to make the static switches conditional, and put them into the source distribution's gps.gpr so that anyone who wants to build a static version can do so trivially. The same is true for debugging ("-g" and other relevant switches).

- Like I said, you should be linking statically with all Ada
  libraries.  Consequently, you should have removed the
  *.Linker_Switches, since they're the ones bringing in the shared

OK, that makes sense.

- libgps.a is not an Ada library, and it does not require any shared
  library, so it is not the cause for your problem.  Same with

Oh, I was just referring to the dependency between libgps and python, and showing why I had to include it in the linker switches. I think I must have misunderstood something you had said earlier.

Here is a correct project file snippet:

   package Binder is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-static");
   end Binder;

   package Linker is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use
         --  Some C libraries which we build from debian/rules:
         "obj/libgps.a", "obj/libdb.a",
         --  The python shared library from python-dev comes
         --  last, because libgps.a needs it.
   end Linker;

Excellent.  This works for me as well.

Now the fun begins.  :-)

I still think it would be useful to add a -dbg package for the libraries we build. Turns out there's a very easy way to do that (such that you don't even need to add /usr/lib/debug to LD_LIBRARY_PATH). I'll put the details into the new bug I filed (#401385) and try building libgnat using that method. If it works I'll post a patch to that bug.

Kevin Brown                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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