Em Dom, 2006-12-03 às 12:40 -0500, maru dubshinki escreveu:

> Okay... after a bit of searching on the web (apt-cache search didn't
> help much here), I discovered that gnomevfs-info was not installed
> because  libgnomevfs2-bin was not installed. Installed it and your
> gnomevfs-info command worked fine on some OGG files of mine. However,
> gnomebaker still did not. Find attached a screenshot of the
> gnomevfs-info displaying info about a particular file in a terminal,
> and gnomebaker open to the same directory and in Audio project mode.

You're not running GnomeBaker in a GNOME session, right? This seems to
be what's causing GnomeBaker (in fact, GtkFileChooser) not to detect the
mime type correctly. I'm investigating what makes it behave like this.

Goedson Teixeira Paixao          http://mundolivre.wordpress.com/
Debian Project                   http://www.debian.org/
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